Random Thoughts: Why I have the coolest Lady Boss ever…

Its not everyday that you meet people who inspire you to do more. I happen to meet one (lucky me) and it is truly with great sadness that we are parting ways today…

But nevertheless, I am happy that I got the chance to work with such a brilliant mind, lucky that I landed a job with the coolest boss ever! so here is why….

1) Because our lady boss is almost always game for a “Drink Night Out” every after a tough day at the office! And staying up till wee hours in the morning (even though we still have to go to work the next day) is the bomb! 🙂


2) Nobody says the word “HOORAY” better than her! And the word “TA-DA” magically makes our workload a little bit lighter… well I suppose, it does… a bit… yeah… uuhhmmm… LOL.  HAHAHAHA!


3) Magical colored pens she uses every brainstorming knock the ideas out of us.  And apparently, a little bit of color during sessions make our office lives a little bit better. Well yeah, despite those brain-melting Insighting sessions we had. 😛


4) She’s the only lady boss who can rock pink & violet (or was that lilac or purple) hairdo at the office! Woohoo!

totally not her. Just random girl I saw on the web! :)))))
totally not her. Just random girl I saw on the web! :)))))

5) And because she’s one of those most giving, motivating, and encouraging people I know.  🙂

Everything & anything is possible if you put your mind into it. 🙂

And these are the 5 things I’ll remember most about Angela Obias. 🙂 Wish I were given more time to work with her & to know her more but, I’ll be making the most out of what I learned from her… 🙂

To the coolest lady boss ever –> ANJ, we bid you the best of luck to your new adventure. Though it pains us to see you go, we know it will all be for the better. Don’t be strangers alright! Keep rockin’ it and we’ll see you soon! 🙂